Welcome at the Open Up! website. Due to technical issues, it is not possible to login, to register or search the collection at this platform. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, this also means we will not update this website anymore.
However, here you can still find information about this project of IHLIA, a lgbt heritage institute in the Netherlands. If you like to peruse the collection, we'll therefore advise you to visit the website of IHLIA.
We are pleased to let you know that you can search in the IHLIA catalogue for the Open Up! material. For questions please e-mail us at openup@ihlia.nl
However, here you can still find information about this project of IHLIA, a lgbt heritage institute in the Netherlands. If you like to peruse the collection, we'll therefore advise you to visit the website of IHLIA.
We are pleased to let you know that you can search in the IHLIA catalogue for the Open Up! material. For questions please e-mail us at openup@ihlia.nl
LGBT Collections Europe